Wyoming Wildscapes

It was one hell of a journey during the fourteen months making Wyoming Wildscapes II, my second and final Wyoming related time lapse project. Had plenty of adventures while working on this. Lightning almost got me a couple of times this summer, gear froze up in the winter (literally), and broke a few times (don't think most of the time lapse gear was meant for extended wilderness backpacking), all that fun stuff. Despite any minor set backs, this was without a doubt one of the most fulfilling personal projects I've ever undertaken. Saw some pretty amazing stuff along the way, this part of the country never ceases to amaze and surprise me. Song is 'Dance of the Seven Sisters' - by Ghost Kollective Thanks for watching! _______ Ghost Kollective did an absolutely amazing job on the custom track. I've enabled the tip jar and any tips given will be sent to Ghost K (through my lightalivephotography paypal) for creating this track without seeking payment. Or you can cut out the middle man, do one better, and buy some of their music! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/stop-ep/id661261808 Ghost K links: http://www.ghostkollective.com/ http://www.youtube.com/ghostkollective https://www.facebook.com/GhostKollective _______ My links: https://www.facebook.com/LightalivePhotography http://www.lightalivephotography.com/ https://plus.google.com/+Lightalivephotography/posts Some long winded stuff here for anyone interested in reading more about Wyoming Wildscapes II, including a bit about licensing. http://www.lightalivephotography.com/wyoming-wildscapes-ii

One of the first websites I made as a User Experience Designer was the state tourism website for Wyoming. I'd never been to Wyoming, so I got a couple chances to go around the state. Not just beautiful, but beautiful in ways I'd never considered.

This video captures a lot of that. 


Watchtower of Morocco

Walking through the streets of Marrakech, Essaouira, Fes el Bali and Casablanca.. taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful place. I just wish my camera had shown the true beauty of Morocco. Big thanks to Silvia delle Grottaglie. THANKS TO ALL PEOPLE WHO WERE THERE WITH US AND LET US SHOOT THIS VIDEO. Music: "Grand Pianola Music" by John Adams facebook.com/dalessandri

Italian filmmaker, Leonardo Dalessandri shot this stylish and awesome video on the streets of Marrakech, Essaouira, Fes el Bali and Casablanca.


PERU & BOLIVIA - a stop-motion journey

A stop-motion journey through beautiful countries of Bolivia and Peru. If you want to teleport yourself to South America right away, just press PLAY. LOCATIONS | Arequipa, Chivay, Colca Canyon, Cusco, Huacachina, Ica, Laguna Colorada, La Paz, Lima, Machu Picchu, Puno, Salar de Uyuni, Solar de Manana geysers, Termas de Polques, Valles de Rocas MUSIC | Soundroll - "M. song" SHOT & EDIT | Timelapse Media VISIT US | www.timelapsemedia.com LIKE US | www.facebook.com/TimelapseMediaPL Feel free to share this video. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Poklatkowa podróż poprzez Boliwię i Peru. Jeśli masz ochotę teleportować się na krótką chwilę do Ameryki Południowej, po prostu włącz film. Lokalizacje, które z nami odwiedzisz, to m.in. | Arequipa, Chivay, Colca Canyon, Cusco, Huacachina, Ica, Laguna Colorada, La Paz, Lima, Machu Picchu, Puno, Salar de Uyuni, Solar de Manana geysers, Termas de Polques, Valles de Rocas MUZYKA | Soundroll - "M. song" ZDJĘCIA I MONTAŻ | Timelapse Media ODWIEDŹ NAS | www.timelapsemedia.pl POLUB NAS | www.facebook.com/TimelapseMediaPL Zachęcamy do udostępniania i dzielenia się filmem.

LOCATIONS: Arequipa, Chivay, Colca Canyon, Cusco, Huacachina, Ica, Laguna Colorada, La Paz, Lima, Machu Picchu, Puno, Salar de Uyuni, Solar de Manana geysers, Termas de Polques, Valles de Rocas


Gorgeous Road Cycling Film Collection

http://www.rapha.cc/assynt "Well, the only way I see this happening is in an extended ride north. When I say that I mean a long, terrible, trying trip…" Wally Maclean, The Idea of North by Glenn Gould, 1967 Director Mark Jenkinson www.markjenkinson.tv Story Ultan Coyle & Max Leonard Cinematography Jose Gomez & Mark Jenkinson Editor Jose Gomez Producer Vicki Banwell Music & Sound Design Mark Adair, MassiveMusic London Story Read by Brendan McDonnell


Rapha, a maker of cycling gear, has this ever-growing set of films about their Continentals, long, creative rides. This one, set in Scotland is a love poem both to riding and to the land.​

All of them are quite good. Some of my favorites below are ​Vietnam, Cymru (Wales) and Australia.

http://www.rapha.cc/sapa-vietnam- Produced, Directed and Edited by Jon Moore. http://www.thedeck.tv Filmed by Jon Moore and Andrew Loiterton (ajlphoto.com), who also deserves thanks for the lenses and extra 5Ds! Sound design is by Aaron D'Arcy (riponstudios.com).

http://www.rapha.cc/the-bryan-chapman-memorial The UK Continental’s first journey of 2013 took our riders to Wales to investigate the route of the Bryan Chapman Memorial, a 600km audax and uniquely British type of endurance ride. The event is named after the late Bryan Chapman, an intrepid long-distance cyclist who often rode across Wales and back just to visit his mechanic. Credits Director: Mark Jenkinson - www.tinyurl.com/mark-jenkinson Shot & Edited by: Jose Gomez & Mark Jenkinson Music: Mark Adair Sound Design: Dan Weinberg Colourist: Mick Vincent Production Manager: Blandine Viollet Thanks too: Rogue Films, Tom Farley, The Mill, Chris Batten, Massive Music London, Paul Reynolds

http://www.rapha.cc/the-snowys The latest film from the Rapha Continental Australia was shot in the Snowy Mountains range, home to Mount Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia. Set to a haunting score and produced by The Sweetshop, The Snowys contrasts the traditional transport of the Aussie stockman, the horse, with the modern bicycle. Directed by Joel Harmsworth Edited by Michael Lutman (http://www.thebutchery.com.au) Music by Rob Law (http://www.robthelaw.com.au/) Produced by The Sweet Shop (http://www.thesweetshop.tv)

Cloud Terrace in Hokkaido

雲海テラス 無料体験版 雲海の美しさや感動が伝わる・・・ 雲海テラスへのゴンドラと雲海テラスからのゴンドラから見る雲海の中の様子も体験できますよ・・・ゴンドラが雲霧の中から湧き出るように出現する様子や雲霧の中に消失する様子なども鑑賞できます・・・雲海を満喫して運開といきましょう・・・ ...

On the island of Hokkaido, the Unkai Terrace is a scenic spot that because of the natural hot springs in the area and the differences in temperature a sea of clouds cover the mountainous region.


Using the Blackmagic Camera: The Quiet City – Winter in Paris

Find me on Facebook and Twitter. @AndrewJulianB http://www.facebook.com/andrewjulianb I can't promise I'll have anything interesting to say, but I'll keep you posted on any new work I put out there. Thanks! Claire and I recently took a trip to France, and I filmed this during our time in Paris. Until this trip, I had only ever experienced Paris in the summer and I was struck by just how different the city is when most of us tourist are gone. We were equipped with our metro and museum passes and were able to easily access most places of interest without even waiting in line. It was incredible! We were even given a private tour of the École du Louvre. Thanks Elisabeth! The weather wasn't always perfect, but our experience was totally different and unique. Now I'm truly curious to visit the city in other seasons. Maybe a trip during the Fall someday? I continue to be amazed by the little camera that could, aka the the Blackmagic Cinema Camera. I have yet to shoot ProRes or DNxHD, though I've seen amazing footage that was shot in the compressed modes. For me it's all about the uncompressed raw. It's not the easiest or fastest format to work with in post, but it allows me to color grade the images to get exactly the look I'm after. I had the latest firmware for this shoot and put the timelapse feature to use. It's not going to replace a DSLR for serious timelapse work, but it is an amazing companion in my opinion. It can shoot consistently at higher frame rates than a DSLR can sustain, so shots where you only want a subtle timelapse effect are achievable. You can also shoot with longer intervals, but the slowest shutter speed is still only 1/24th of a second so shots become less smooth the longer your interval is. Ideally, you'd want to be closer to a 180 degree shutter. Music: Spiegel im Spiegel composed by Arvo Pärt Camera and Lenses: -Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF -Sigma 8-16mm -Canon 24-70mm -Canon 50mm 1.4 -Canon 70-200 IS II

American Andrew Julian uses the astounding Blackmagic Cinema to capture, in moving and gorgeous detail, his recent trip to Paris.  "The Quiet City ."

2 - Source to Sea in 3 minutes

Have you ever seen an entire river? This is a 113 day journey down the Green and Colorado Rivers, from source to sea. We started in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming in October 2011, and finished at the Sea of Cortez, Mexico in January 2012. The river begins as a trickle, carves ever deeper and more spectacular canyons, and is reduced to a trickle again by water diversions. For more information, please visit www.downthecolorado.org CREDITS Edit, Concept, Paddling, Camera- Will Stauffer-Norris (www.willstauffernorris.com) Paddling, Camera- Zak Podmore Original Music- Ed David Watkins (soundcloud.com/edwatkinsmusic) Support provided by The State of the Rockies Project (www.stateoftherockies.com), NRS (www.nrsweb.com), Liquidlogic (www.liquidlogickayaks.com), The Hulbert Center, and Werner

From the mountains of Wyoming to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, photographers and adventurers Will Stauffer-Norris and Zak Podmore travelled more than 1,700 miles along the Green and Colorado Rivers. Leaving in October of 2011 and arriving in the Sea of Cortez in January of 2012, the two journeyed for 113 days.

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