Death Defying Riders in India's Well of Death

Mercury music prize nominees Django Django became obsessed by the infamous Indian Well of Death riders in Allahabad. So, naturally, they asked Noisey if we'd be up for travelling over to India and standing right in the middle of large lumps of precariously speeding metal for a day, to film a video for their track "Wor". We happily obliged, getting our shoes stolen in the process, but it was worth it to meet a bunch of guys with the most rock solid testicles we've ever come across. Buy the Album: Django Django - "Wor" (p) and (c) 2012 Because Music Directed by Jim Demuth, based on an original concept by Vincent Neff. Exec Producer Jane Third Supervising Producer Alex Hoffman Producer Posy Dixon Director Jim Demuth Editor Iain Pettifer Associate Producer Ruchi Bhimani Colourist Chris Rodgers (Splice Post Production) Production Manager Bree Horn Production Coordinator Zoey Roberts Thanks! Selected for Mountain Film Festival -

Riders in Allahabad’s Well of Death put on a dangerous show (for both them and the audience)by driving cars and motorcycles inside a wooden and metal cylinder 25 feet high and 30 feet across. 


SKYE Photos of the Day

​Belarus from SKYE user Marina Agafonova

​Belarus from SKYE user Marina Agafonova

​Nebraska Snow Storm by SKYE user Katie Tripp

​Nebraska Snow Storm by SKYE user Katie Tripp

​Angola by SKYE user  Xania Debo

​Angola by SKYE user  Xania Debo

​India by SKYE user Ashraf Achu

​India by SKYE user Ashraf Achu

​Aleppo, Syria by SKYE user Avda Bave Roj

​Aleppo, Syria by SKYE user Avda Bave Roj

Belarus, India, Syria, Nebraska and Angola. Yeah. Love it.

Quotes of the Day
QOTD - Zen Aphorism
QOTD - Lawrence Durell
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5 - A Day in India

This short film compiles three weeks of filming, traveling and eating in India into "one day". Created by: In Partnership with Intrepid Travel: Filmed & edited by: Daniel Klein ( ) Mirra Fine ( Music by: Cornershop: The Guadaloop: aaronmaxwell: After Effects by: Filmed on 5d Mark iii w Canon 24-70, 70-200 2.8 L

Such beauty. And such importance — the observant eye. Good cameras help too.


Gift Guide
my pick - 5 things to buy a shoestring traveller - Devereau Chumrau
Even though some of my picks may appear to be "un-shoestring like," the main concern here is that you "shoestring" the trip and not the preparation for the trip.  Anyone who has tried to skimp in the beginning will probably end up paying much more later on... Remember YOU are all you have out there.
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5 - Indian Point of View Entierely shot in South India where travelled for two weeks, only with my fastpack filled with my gear (and two tee shirts, haha). I wish i could afford a 7D to avoid the huge amount of noise i get with my T2i ! Gear : Canon T2i, cheap Hama monopod (also used as diy glidecam), Fastpack 350AW Lenses : Canon 10-22mm USM, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Pentax Takumar 135mm f/2.5 Music : Amon Tobin - At The End Of The Day, Foley Room, 2007 Thanks to : Mathieu Maury : Vote for me / support me : India is amazing.

A young medical student from France did a lovely job of documenting his recently travels in southern India. 
