2 - Source to Sea in 3 minutes

Have you ever seen an entire river? This is a 113 day journey down the Green and Colorado Rivers, from source to sea. We started in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming in October 2011, and finished at the Sea of Cortez, Mexico in January 2012. The river begins as a trickle, carves ever deeper and more spectacular canyons, and is reduced to a trickle again by water diversions. For more information, please visit www.downthecolorado.org CREDITS Edit, Concept, Paddling, Camera- Will Stauffer-Norris (www.willstauffernorris.com) Paddling, Camera- Zak Podmore Original Music- Ed David Watkins (soundcloud.com/edwatkinsmusic) Support provided by The State of the Rockies Project (www.stateoftherockies.com), NRS (www.nrsweb.com), Liquidlogic (www.liquidlogickayaks.com), The Hulbert Center, and Werner

From the mountains of Wyoming to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, photographers and adventurers Will Stauffer-Norris and Zak Podmore travelled more than 1,700 miles along the Green and Colorado Rivers. Leaving in October of 2011 and arriving in the Sea of Cortez in January of 2012, the two journeyed for 113 days.

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