Paris artist François Beaurain created these Monrovian animations as part of the 2015 exhibition Making Africa by Vitra Design Museum and Guggenheim Bilbao.
Aerial Photos of Botswana's Wildlife by Zack Seckler
Photographer Zack Seckler flying in an ultra-light just a few hundred feet off the ground takes these awesome photos of the wildlife for his series Botswana.
He explains: "it was like gliding over an enormous painting and being able to create brushstrokes at will. Flying 100 feet over herds of wild animals in a plane with no windows was an unforgettable experience. I was privy to views and perspectives that very few get to see. As a photographer, I was humbled. I’m always thinking about new ways to view the world. This series quite literally changed my view, showing me that simple changes can create profound results."

Photos of Intricate Nigerian Hairstyles by J.D. Okhai Ojeikere
Nigerian photographer J.D. Okhai Ojeikere project "Hairstyles" captures nearly 1,000 different hairstyles — these "sculptures for a day" he finds on the street, at a weddings or at work.
This is Africa: Video Travels in Uganda and Tanzania
Australian Benjamin Dowie has created this great video of his travels in Uganda and Tanzania in March of 2013.
Online Miniseries: ‘The New African Photography’ on Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera English just premiered the first episode of their new show, “The New African Photography.” Aiming to replace the images of famine and war with images that show an emerging 21st Century Africa, the show is told through the eyes of photographers.
5 - The Star Filled Dark Skies of Namibia
Getting to a place with clear, dark skies can pay off with some of the richest, most nuanced views of the starfields. Namibia, apparently, is one of those places.
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5 - Vibrant Timelapse of Nairobi and Kilifi
I am a bit chagrined to admit I had no idea what Nairobi looked like. This vibrant timelapse gives me an idea. Really want to see it for myself now.
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2 - Kuduro
Kuduro is a music, dance and fashion culture emerging from an Angolan sub-culture.
Os Kuduristas is a global program launching in Paris, Amsterdam and Stockholm this September 2012 to promote and raise awareness of Kuduro.
3 - Amazing African Wildlife Photography
German-born Klaus Tiedge's astounding set of wildlife photos from South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.