Paris-based animator and illustrator Nicolas Monterrat has this series of wild and witty animated gifs.

Paris-based animator and illustrator Nicolas Monterrat has this series of wild and witty animated gifs.
James Curran, of SlimJim Studios, has some really great, fun GIF sets. Here is his take on Los Angeles.
Perranporth, Cornwall
Michael Marten’s series Sea Change at shows the same locations at different tide-times. Amazing.
Crosby, Liverpool
Worms Head, Glamorgan
Salmon fishery, Solway Firth
Blackpool, Lancashire
Cuckmere Haven, Sussex
Paris artist François Beaurain created these Monrovian animations as part of the 2015 exhibition Making Africa by Vitra Design Museum and Guggenheim Bilbao.
We've seen Time Quilted Photos from Fong Qi Wei before, where a series of photos show changes in light across time in a single image. Here, the quilts are animated.
In her series ‘Phōtosgraphé‘ Lucea Spinelli has created these moving light paintings.
“Photography is the process of drawing with light, as its etymology implies: a compound of the greek words φωτός (phōtos) ‘light’ and γραφή (graphé) ‘representation by means of lines’ or ‘drawing’.”
Atsushi Segawa had been making animated GIFs out of ukiyo-e for a while when he was commissioned by Japanese computer maker NEC to mix computers and computer use into Edo-era Japan.
The rings of Saturn are only about 30 feet (10 meters) thick in most parts of the main rings, other parts however are often up to several kilometers thick. The rings are made of dusty ice, in the form of boulder-sized and smaller chunks that gently collide with each other as they orbit around Saturn. Saturn’s gravitational field constantly disrupts these ice chunks, keeping them spread out and preventing them from combining to form a moon.
An engineering student in France, Hugo Germain, uses After Effects or Cinema 4D to create this fun and funny sciency GIFs.
“Each gif has its own story but mainly it’s a way for me to provide inspiration and make people question basic things we take for granted. I often wonder “What if this or that was different/existed ? What would that look like ?”. Being able to actually create an answer to that question is very exciting for me, and I guess that’s also what people like about it.”
人助け (A Helping Hand)
A Tokyo illustrator, Hama-House, created these witty and clever animated GIFs for an animated gif contest.
本当の世界 (The Real World)
理想と現実 (Dream and Reality)
永遠の夢 (Endless Dream)
ウマい話 (Too Good To Be True)
回転寿し (Kaiten-zushi)
“The language of materials and patterns seen in radical architecture transform as the nomadic city walks endlessly, adapting to the environments she encounters.”
The video, Walking City, by Matt Pyke of the animation studio
David Dope is a creative director who makes these stunningly hypnotic GIFs in his spare time.
Trevor Carmick, a Boston-based video editor/graphic artist, has an amazing side project: Beer Labels in Motion, If only we could get these for real on the the labels. Only a matter of time, I am sure.
See also Hypnotic Animated GIFs
UK-based artist and graphic designer Mat Lucas runs a Tumblr of experimental art called 89—A.
See also Awesome Animated Nature GIFs
Istanbul-based artist Erdal Inci uses the magic of looping animated GIFs and sections of cloned video of himself to create these spectacularly hypnotizing moving image.
28-year-old Marinus from the Netherlands has been making these animated GIFs, I presume to make the point that animated GIFs are not just awesome and funny, but awesome and more awesome.
"I am bored, therefore I make GIFs" -René Descartes (1596-1650)
These are just a small portion of them. Catch them all on his blog: Head Like an Orange