It sounds like something from a meme generator, but photographer Calder Wilson was recently experimenting with fireworks hooked to a drone that he flew around while capturing it in long exposure.

It sounds like something from a meme generator, but photographer Calder Wilson was recently experimenting with fireworks hooked to a drone that he flew around while capturing it in long exposure.
French photographer Genaro Bardy tells the Daily Mail:
It turns out there is a moment in the year when streets are totally empty, when people are home or away, when nobody is partying all night long. That moment is Christmas. Between London Bridge and Piccadilly Circus I saw no one, no cars. The city was truly asleep. Very long exposure could erase people walking, although imperfectly, but car lights would ruin any picture. Between 11:00 pm and 4:00 am, it’s pretty hard to find 20 to 30 seconds slots without any cars. But starting at 4:00 am it’s truly magical, almost no one is in the streets.
Los Angeles-based photographer Stuart Palley in his series Terra Flamma has be capturing the last few years of California wildfires.
Included in this set are fires in Yosemite, San Bernardino National Forest, Etiwanda and Shirley Lake.
“Last Dance of the Fairies” was shot by Japanese photographer Yume Cyan near Nagoya City, Japan. In long exposure, the fireflies' blinking draws dashed lines through the dark.
See also Glowstick Trails in Night Waterfalls
The boundaries dividing sport and art are blurred in this collaboration between Red Bull and Snap! Orlando. Mike Dowdy, Adam Errington, and Dallas Friday strap lights to their wakeboards and join with light painter, Patrick Rochon, in an effort to capture the inherent emotion and creativity of athleticism.
Patrick Rochon shot the Red Bull Riders doing some amazing wakeboarding on boards outfitted with amazing LCD lighting at the Orlando Watersports Complex.
Russian photographer Evgeniy Zaytsev has created these gorgeous star-trail long-exposure photos.
Japanese photographer Arixxx has created this chillingly beautiful long exposure shots of Japanese cherry blossoms at night.
Photographer Jesús Chapa-Malacara uses his passion as a former ballet dancer to create this gorgeous Dance Prints series. His KICKSTARTER campaign details his vision and ambitious for a bigger and better series.
via Peta Pixel
Blue Ghost Fireflies, North Carolina
Photograph by Spencer Black
Singapore based photographer, Fong Qi Wei layered different photos of the same spot he shot within 2 to 4 hours, sequencing time in a single image.
See also Airplane Light Trails in Gorgeous Time-lapse from Singapore
CCTV has a documentary channel, and these four trailers for it translate human motion into digitally sculpted objects that look like steel, water, and wood. The clips were created by Taiwan design house JL Design and KORB.
See also Choros - Time Dance
Motion sculptures for CCTV Documentary Channel is a digital metaphor of phenomenal blinks and moments that life consists of. In four Idents we follow a visual performance of organic and vital substance, animated using data of actors movements. Idents visualize four different themes. To emphasize the emotion of each Ident, we have decided to use different textures of steel, wood and glass. Motion sculpture of steel reflects old Chinese adage that true power is mastering yourself. Youthful energy of dancers evolve into beautiful organic sculpture. Colorful happiness is the engine of father's and his daughter's joy. Two lovers visualize fragility and vitality of love in the last Ident. Credits: Client: CCTV Creative Director: JL Agency: JL DESIGN Executive producer: Angela Moo Project Manager: Jennifer Lin Art Director: Lance Wei Designers: Hsiang Ju Hung, Utsuo Chen VFX / Design Company: KORB Concept Development: JL DESIGN & KORB Producer: Lina Paskeviciute Animation Director: Rimantas Lukavicius Technical Director: Giedrius Paulauskas 3D/2D Artists: Giedrius Paulauskas, Rimantas Lukavicius, Karolina Sereikaite, Tomas Juchnevic, Justinas Vinevicius Music / Sound design: John Black, CypherAudio Year of completion: 2013 Follow us on Facebook:
Watch Part 1: In part 2 of the "Motion to Light" collaboration between Red Bull and Snap! Orlando, light painter Vicki DaSilva asks pilot Chris Santacroce to fly at night with an 8' light bulb strapped to his chest. Check out the amazing results. Check out SNAP!
In a follow-up to Long Exposure of Lighted Wakeboards at Night from Red Bull, we have Motion to Light Paramotoring.
Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard created this stunning project, Neon Luminance. They Cyalume glow sticks into several Northern Californian waterfalls and then took long exposure photos of the effect. The sticks, sealed up to prevent any leaks, floated down the fall and then were collected by the team, leaving no impact on the falls or their watersheds.
Kevin Cooley's awesome long exposure photos of airplane trails, Nachtfluge
New York-based photographer Brian Maffitt created these stunning long-exposure light painting photos by projecting a movie onto the falling snow of the storm that hit the Northeast in order to light up the snowflakes.
During a blizzard, I pointed a video projector out the window and projected a movie onto the snow. These are the results in motion, and you can also see high-resolution stills at
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610 shoots with a Nikon D3 and a Sigma 8 mm. Very lucky because the time-lapse was started only 7 minutes before a big meteor passes through the sky ...
Mesmerizing timelapse (and long exposure video) from French photographer Stephane Vetter capturing the night sky using a Sigma 8 mm fisheye lens on the night of Nov 17, 2012 in Champ du Feu, Alsace, France.
More Long Exposures
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Stunning and gorgeous, these long exposures of fireworks make so evident the comparisons to flowers and sea creatures. David Johnson explains his technique over at Colossal:
The technique I used was a simple refocus during the long exposure. Each shot was about a second long, sometimes two. I’d start out of focus, and when I heard the explosion I would quickly refocus, so the little stems on these deep sea creature lookalikes would grow into a fine point. The shapes are quite bizarre, some of them I was pleasantly surprised with.
Capturing bodies in motion with long exposure photos so often leads to stunning imagery. This set is no different. I really like how it looks at both dancers, acrobats and athletes.