These aren't actually Halloween costumes, they are Cosplay participants in full costume at home for this photo series “Just the Two of Us” by Austrian photographer Klaus Pichler‘.
See also Wild Men of Europe »
These aren't actually Halloween costumes, they are Cosplay participants in full costume at home for this photo series “Just the Two of Us” by Austrian photographer Klaus Pichler‘.
See also Wild Men of Europe »
Atlanta-based artist Shana Robbins' costumed and choreographed rituals of passage create her odd and evocative vision of theatre.
From the exhibition page:
[Her] works address conditions of feminine power, natural phenomena, and cycles of life and death. Using a variety of media, she presents herself as a solitary and galvanizing figure, elaborately costumed and performing ritualized gestures in unique landscapes. Drawing on her own experiences as model and student of Butoh movement, and on numerous mythologies that link womanhood with the Earth and roles of conduit and healer, Robbins creates composite narratives of identity and transformation.
Shana Robbins - Atlanta, Georgia Video Clip #1, Part A A performance installation representing a hybridization of American military camouflage, an Islamic Burqa, a tree, and a "stripper" or courtesan in a ritualistic and sexually charged interaction with a dying, decrepit tree.
These are outstanding ways to traumatize your kids and feel amazingly smart at the same time. Anyone have anything along these lines? Ideas? I am looking for super ideas here...
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