5 things I learned today (and don't want to forget)

1. Every once in a while I come across some surreal photography that sticks with me a bit. Here's some http://bit.ly/hPVd4t

2. Darth Vader! Yeah, that's the way to sell a smartphone http://bit.ly/gP4aMo

3. An interesting thought experiment: if the map were rearranged so that people from the most populous country were moved to the largest geographically, etc. http://bit.ly/e0I1E4

4. Aviary has been providing powerful free online photo editing tools for years, but now they've released a non-Flash version that works on your iPad (and laptop users who prefer the much more battery-protective HTML5) http://bit.ly/dEfMAU

5. A dissertation from a PhD student from the University of Twente (in the Netherlands) on "Internet Skills" http://bit.ly/eThPmo