5 things I learned today (and don't want to forget)

1. Mapping the locations and correspondence of Enlightenment thinkers reveals a centuries old social network http://bit.ly/bpLk03

2. Two fairly new entrants into the social shopping space are both pretty fantastic: svpply http://bit.ly/9CISPc and google's boutiques http://bit.ly/a0ggZg

3. Edward Tufte (the master information design I am wont to quote) is auctioning off rare books of the visualization persuasion, for more than $2 million http://bit.ly/c4H8cJ

4. Edward Gorey like illustrations on post-its http://bit.ly/cdohE3

5. Lots of great aerial photographs of different civilizations are the world http://bit.ly/aLOuQw