1. With so much reliance of computer trickery for visual effects, it is empowering to see amazing images created just by dint of a well timed photograph. These leviation photos are stunning images and often leave me wondering how they managed to capture it.
2. The moment in a movie when the title is said aloud or shown clearly is often a bit of wince-worthy self-awareness. This supercut collects in two minutes a bunch of the most notable ones.
3. I love to entertain the notion that there are really fantastical things that have been expunged from the mainstream history. There's something comforting to know that other people think that way too. These monsters placed into historical scenes have the feel of authetic alternate histories.
4. Paper cranes seem to always have so much more emotional weight than it seems possible, especially when tons and tons of them are brought together. I actually have no explanation why this mosaic of so many cranes is so moving to me, but it is.
5. It is pretty awesome to think of the superheros hidden in these non-superhero movies... Out of Sight, for example, actually had two Batman's in it.
One Thing from Our Friend
Hayley Enright of Open Door Acupuncture taught me that acupuncture isn't painful, expensive or uncomfortable. It is in fact soothing, affordable and comfortable.