Base Jumping off Everest

Watch the Action Clip: Nearly 60 years to the day after the first ascent up Mount Everest, Russian extreme sport star Valery Rozov (48) flew off the north face of Mount Everest - the world's highest BASE jump ever - 7220 meters (23,688ft) above sea level.

From the video page: 

"Nearly 60 years to the day after the first ascent up Mount Everest, Russian extreme sport star Valery Rozov (48) flew off the north face of Mount Everest - the world's highest BASE jump ever - 7220 meters (23,688ft) above sea level."



Everest Timelapse Experience the beauty of Mt. Everest at night in time-lapse. While most climbers slept, I attempted to capture some of the magic that the Himalayan skies have to offer while climbing to the top of the world. Here's a bit of what I endured at the end to make this possible: One of the most rewarding parts of the journey was being able to share it with thousands of students on This time lapse video is comprised of thousands of photographs, processed and assembled on Mt. Everest. Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II -Canon 2.8 16-35mm -Canon 2.8 24-70mm -Canon 2.8 70-200mm (which was way to heavy to carry beyond 6400M) -TL Remote was purchased off eBay Edited in Final Cut Pro Processed in Adobe LightRoom Movies compiled in Quicktime Music: A Heartbeat away purchased on I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please leave a comment and let me know what you think. My stock footage, professional and charitable work can be see on my website at And on FB:


Wait, what? A timelapse of Everest? Yup. In love with this. 


"Experience the beauty of Mt. Everest at night in time-lapse. While most climbers slept, I attempted to capture some of the magic that the Himalayan skies have to offer while climbing to the top of the world. This time lapse video is comprised of thousands of photographs, processed and assembled on Mt. Everest."