Silver Female Figures (Mildly NSFW)
Guido Argentini’s models in his series “Argentum,” are covered in shiny silver makeup and are meant to cover the range of women in Greek mythology, from Demeter and Persephone to Artemis and Electra.
Evoking the luminous polished planes of the work of Brancusi and the verve of Degas’ ballet sketches, these photographs endow the human body with both the solidity of sculpture and the vivid energy of dance.
Using geometrical props Guido Argentini created a contrast between the human body and the archetypal forms of geometry: triangles, circles and squares.

Zebras: Nude Photos from Francis Giacobetti (Slightly NSFW)
"Naked bodies dressed in shadow. Sunbathed photos undressed by light."
"Nudes that do not seem to be nudes."
"The famous encounter between desire and an object, and waves.”
See also One Thousand and One Dreams »
NSFW - Gorgeous 'Calligraphy on Girls' from Molotow Markers - Four Years of 5 Things
A collaboration between Molotow Markers and Fierce Frog Films, brings us the calligraphy of Russian Pokras Lampas. Using script size and lettering density in response to the curves and contours of the models leads to some gorgeous patterns and gorgeous images.
See also The form of the Body and Sensual Silhouettes
The Naked and the Nude - Expressive Photos by Danny Eastwood
Photographer Danny Eastwood:
"Playing with water, reflections and refraction I was again looking to blur the lines of perception."

Bodyscapes: Photos by Carl Warner
Using human parts to create stunning landscapes, photographer Carl Warner's project titled "Otherscapes."
See also The Form of the Body
Top 5 things for July 2013
NSFW - Gorgeous 'Calligraphy on Girls' from Molotow Markers
A collaboration between Molotow Markers and Fierce Frog Films, brings us the calligraphy of Russian Pokras Lampas. Using script size and lettering density in response to the curves and contours of the models leads to some gorgeous patterns and gorgeous images.
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Cut Food Photos that Show You the Inside of the Food That We Never See
Showing cross-sections of popular food, Beth Galton's Cut Food uses gelatin in place of liquid to get this great, surprising and interesting point of view.
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Flowers X-Ray Photos - Two Ways
These two project ( by British photographer Nick Veasey; and Singapore-based Brendan Fitzpatrick) each have a stunning beauty. I love them each.
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Anxiety-Ridden Images from John William Keedy
John William Keedy‘s artist statement:
“It’s Hardly Noticeable explores the world of a character who navigates living with an unspecified anxiety-based mental illness. He negotiates situations constructed to highlight the impacts and implications of his differences on his thoughts and behaviors, and by doing so raises question of normalcy. Through constructed tableaus and metaphorical still lifes, the series reveals the relationship between reality and perception, and highlights issues of pathology while questioning stereotypes of normalcy.
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POTD - Viking Ships in Los Angeles by Brandon Brown
"Each time I cup your face in my hand, I know that I’ll be with you
as my hair grows longer and my clothes become old."
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Fonts and Boobs (NSFW)
A font a day, applied to a pretty picture, it's Fonts & Boobs.
See also NSFW - Gorgeous 'Calligraphy on Girls' from Molotow Markers
One Thousand and One Dreams - Photos by Yasmina Alaoui and Marco Guerra
Photographic series from Yasmina Alaoui and Marco Guerra with nude photos covered in meticulously detailed, contemporary Arabic Henna patterns.
See also NSFW - Gorgeous 'Calligraphy on Girls' from Molotow Markers
3 - Symmetrical Body Sculptures (NSFW)
Olivier Valsecchi's series, “Klecksography”, builds symmetrical sculptures out of bodies, in a way that evokes the famous inklot tests of times past.
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Most Recent Episodes
2 - Human Chalk Explosions
These lovely and beautiful photos from Anton Surkov use chalk to highlight form and movement to great effect.