Robert Götzfried is becoming a favorite of ours. First we saw his stadiums, then his gorgeous swimming pools. Here there are some beautiful empty metro stations.
Robert Götzfried is becoming a favorite of ours. First we saw his stadiums, then his gorgeous swimming pools. Here there are some beautiful empty metro stations.
The NYC subway was a very different place in the 70s and 80s. This photoset from Christopher Morris is stark and stunning.
Adam Magyar filmed the crowds waiting on the subway platforms in NYC, Tokyo and Berlin at 50 frames per second using a high speed camera. There is a fantastic article about him and his art over on MEDIUM.
via The Fox is Black
The Second Avenue subway line is being tunneled under Manhattan in a huge construction project underneath a living, breathing megapolis.
This shows the procedure during a blast down in the cavern, and then rocks being removed from the shaft.