Toronto animator (Pizza and Pixels) Aiden Glenn turns stuff out of doors into what he calls "toon bombs", googly-eyed character faces.

via Colossal
Toronto animator (Pizza and Pixels) Aiden Glenn turns stuff out of doors into what he calls "toon bombs", googly-eyed character faces.
via Colossal
Light Rorschach by photographer Nicolas Rivals uses a torch light and a camera with a long exposure to draw.
…turns observer and observed through the eyes of spirited but ultimately see some of your own personality and therefore yourself. Cross between the work and the viewer as an introspection looks these masks seem to shout.
“Tell me what you see and I’ll tell you who you are.”
With just enough photographic detail (eyes, for example) still visible, the 2D or Not 2D series from Russian photographer Alexander Khokhlov (along with Valeriya Kutsan, one of the best make-up artists in Russia) is stunning and perception shifting.
People doing amazing things are not meant to be paying attention to how they look. And here is lots of proof of that.
And some from