Genki Sudo a MMA UFC fighter/ Buddhist/ Writer/ Actor/ Dancer/ Musician has utilized all of his talents to create a music video smooth over the conflicts between Japan, Korea and China.
「PERMANENT REVOLUTION」 スペシャルサイト限定の「PERMANENT REVOLUTION」アシアナバージョンには、迫力の飛行機とのコラボカットが満載! 今すぐチェック! 作詞: 須藤元気 作曲 :須藤元気、SPACE WALKER Words by Genki Sudo Music by Genki Sudo / SPACE WALKER 協賛:アシアナ航空 Supported by Asiana Airlines
Genki Sudo a MMA UFC fighter/ Buddhist/ Writer/ Actor/ Dancer/ Musician has utilized all of his talents to create a music video smooth over the conflicts between Japan, Korea and China.